Characterization and Classification of Toposequence Soils Units in The Zakhikha Region, West of Ramadi- Western Iraq

Ali Al-Bayati; Abdul-Karem Al-Alwany; Qusay Khalif

Volume 20, Issue 2 , December 2020, , Pages 80-97

  Depending on the geomorphological map and digital elevations of the Zakhikha area, five sites that differ in topography and geomorphology and represent the soil units present in the area were selected.Their locations are geographically defined and locally represented pedons are excavated,disturbed soil ...  Read More

Characterization and Classification of Some Soils Adjacent to the Southern of Al-Najaf Sea – Iraq

Ali Al-Bayati; Mustafa Al-Ani; Haidar Falah

Volume 19, Issue 3 , September 2019, , Pages 128-145

  The study area was selected in the Najaf Governorate. It's adjacent to the southern part of Al- Najaf Sea and its area ​​(17150.5 ha), located between the longitudes 425594E and 445138E and between the Latitudes 3521842N and 3538169N (UTM), it's covered the soil types and its geomorphological units ...  Read More