Suaad Muhammad Sheikh Abdulla; Dana Azad Abulkhaleq; Sherwan Ismail Towfiq
Volume 23, Issue 4 , December 2023, , Pages 58-73
In this study, the hybridizations were done using partial diallel mating design in spring season 2020 at Qlyasan location to complete the procedure of this experiment, which conducted during spring season 2021 at two different locations in Sulaimani Governorate, Qlyasan and Kanipanka Using randomized ...
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In this study, the hybridizations were done using partial diallel mating design in spring season 2020 at Qlyasan location to complete the procedure of this experiment, which conducted during spring season 2021 at two different locations in Sulaimani Governorate, Qlyasan and Kanipanka Using randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replication. Eight pure lines of maize and their partial cross-hybrids were used by adopting a sample of three crosses for each line (MGW 16, NADH 102, NADH 704, NADH 706, NADH 52, ZY 52, NADH 905, MSI 4279). All genotypes (8 parents + 12 F1s hybrids) were prepared to chemical analysis for estimating oil%, protein% and fatty acids (Palmitic, Stearic, Linolic, Oleic, Linolenic and Oil). The results summarized as follow: The analysis of variance revealed that the mean square due to crosses and gca was highly significant for all studied traits, while for sca it was highly significant for most traits at both locations. The mean square due to the parents were highly significant for most studied traits. The cross NADH 52 × MSI 4279 and parent MSI 4279 showed gave highest means values for all traits. positive heterosis% for all traits was observed. The cross NADH 52 × MSI 4279 showed the highest heterosis% for all traits at both locations. The contribution of additive and non-additive gene effect was important in the inheritance of these traits at Qlyasan location, while at the Kani panka location the contribution of additive gene effect was more than non-additive gene effect for all traits. Highly significant correlation was recorded between each pair of fatty acids at both locations, but kernel yield recorded significant correlation with linolic and oleic acids at Kanipanka location only.
Othman Najh Hijab; Maad A.K. Albaddy
Volume 22, Issue 1 , March 2022, , Pages 105-111
The study was conducted in one of the research farms in the Department of Animal Production / College of Agriculture at Tikrit University for the period from 17 /10/ 2020 to 11/1/2021 in order to determine the appropriate diets from energy and protein and impact on the production performance of the egg ...
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The study was conducted in one of the research farms in the Department of Animal Production / College of Agriculture at Tikrit University for the period from 17 /10/ 2020 to 11/1/2021 in order to determine the appropriate diets from energy and protein and impact on the production performance of the egg producing brown Japanese quail 35 days' age. the birds were categorized and divided into six treatments, each treatment contains three duplicates and each repeater contains 8 birds (6 females 2 males) raised for 12 weeks three durations for four weeks. The Experiment treatments were fed on the following diets: treatments resulting from the first treatment 2800 kcal/kg energy feed and 20% crude protein. (first treatment use (2800 kcal/kg and CP18 protein ratio), second use (2900 kcal/kg and CP20 protein ratio), third use (2700 kcal/kg and protein ratio) CP17) and treatments resulting from the second treatment 2900 kcal/kg energy feed and 22% crude protein (first use (2800 kcal/kg and CP18 protein ratio), second (2900 kcal/kg and CP20 protein ratio) third use (2700 kcal/kg and CP17 protein ratio). The results of the statistical analysis showed that there were no significant differences between the factors in the percentage of egg production, the weight of eggs, and the feed consumption rate during the total period (6-17 weeks) and significant treatments exceeded the first, third, fourth and sixth treatments compared with the fifth treatment, There was no significant difference between them and the second treatment in the egg mass and the feed conversion factor was improved during the total period of all experiment treatments by compared with fifth treatment.
Ghassan J. Z.; W. Zakaria; A. R. Shaari
Volume 21, Issue 3 , September 2021, , Pages 59-69
Incorporating green manure in soil increases the availability of nutrient elements and improve of quality characteristics in the succeeding crops. So, a field experiment was conducted at the experimental farm and laboratory of Institute of Sustainable Agrotechnology, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Padang ...
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Incorporating green manure in soil increases the availability of nutrient elements and improve of quality characteristics in the succeeding crops. So, a field experiment was conducted at the experimental farm and laboratory of Institute of Sustainable Agrotechnology, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Padang Besar, Perlis, Malaysia. This study was about effect of green manure with mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) on some quality characteristics of sweet potato under two grown conditions; open field and greenhouse. The green manuring of mungbean was compared with the control. Results of the study show of that there were different effect of treatments on quality characteristics of sweet potato. The highest nitrogen content in leaves and protein content in tuberous root 1.64% and 2.49%, respectively, were observed in the treatment of mungbean residue. But the highest sugar content of 19.93% in tuberous root was recorded in control treatment. Mungbean residue and control treatment were not significantly different between them in phosphorous and potassium content in leaves, hardness of tuberous root and starch content. There was significant increment in nitrogen and potassium contents in sweet potato leaves under open field condition. On the other hand, there was significant increment in sugar content under greenhouse condition. But the different conditions were at par in phosphorous content in leaves, starch content in tuberous root and hardness of tuberous root. The nitrogen content in leaves was greatest at treatment of mungbean residue under open field condition, while treatment of mungbean residue under greenhouse condition gave highest protein content in tuberous root compared to other treatments. Highest starch content and sugar in tuberous root were found in control treatment under greenhouse condition 52.90% and 20.92%, respectively.
Ammar M; Maher Al-Hafz
Volume 19, Issue 3 , September 2019, , Pages 1-5
The practical part of the study conducted in Animal Production Department / College of Agriculture and Forestry / Mosul University from 15 / 11 / 2013 to 1/ 4 / 2014 , to study the effect of adding the ginger roots in milk yield, some milk components and weights of ewes and their lambs in Awassi sheep, ...
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The practical part of the study conducted in Animal Production Department / College of Agriculture and Forestry / Mosul University from 15 / 11 / 2013 to 1/ 4 / 2014 , to study the effect of adding the ginger roots in milk yield, some milk components and weights of ewes and their lambs in Awassi sheep, 32 Awassi ewes were divided into four homologou groups of age and weight, each group contains eight ewes. Ewes were fed on the same ration contain the same % protein and % Kcal energy (N.R.C. , 2007), but were differ in containing ginger roots only (0 , 10 , 20 and 30 gm ginger / head / day. The result revealed a significant increasing (P ≤ 0.05) in weekly and monthly milk yield for the treatment 20 and 30 gm/head/day, but the result of milk components during suckling period (Fat , Protein , Lactose and S.N.F) revealed no significant differences between the treatments , There are a significant increasing in milk yield during suckling period. For the treatment 20 and 30 gm ginger / head / day, this is a normal result for reflection in milk increasing during this period.