Waleed K. S. Al-Juheishy; Salim A Younis; Hossam M. Hameed
Volume 24, Issue 4 , December 2024, , Pages 1-10
During the 2021–2022 winter growing season, an experiment was carried out in two distinct locations: Field Crops Department Research Station-College of Agriculture and Forestry and Wana sub-district. The study aimed to investigate the influence of 3 levels from nitrogen fertilizer (0 , 75 , 150 ...
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During the 2021–2022 winter growing season, an experiment was carried out in two distinct locations: Field Crops Department Research Station-College of Agriculture and Forestry and Wana sub-district. The study aimed to investigate the influence of 3 levels from nitrogen fertilizer (0 , 75 , 150 kg N/ ha) and 3 zinc rates (0 , 20 , 40 mg/L) on the growth, and flax production (Linata variety). It was factorial experimentation with two factors set in a split-plot design within (RCBD) with three blocks. Main plots included 3 levels from nitrogen fertilizer, while sub-plots included 3 zinc rates. The results showed that the 75 kg N/ha fertilization level significantly outperformed in seeds number/ capsule , capsules number/plant, 1000-seed weight , seed yield, oil percentage in seeds and oil yield in locations the College and Wana, respectively. Meanwhile, 150 kg N/ ha fertilization level excelled in plant height and branch number/ plant for locations. The data also showed that the 20 mg/L zinc concentration significantly outperformed in plant height, branch number/plant, and oil percentage in seeds. Conversely, the 40 mg/L zinc concentration excelled in seeds number/ capsule , capsules number/plant, 1000-seed weight , seed yield and oil yield in both locations. Moreover, there was a significant interaction between the 75 kg N/ha fertilization level and the 40 mg/L zinc concentration in capsules number/plant at the Wana location, and seed yield for locations, respectively.
Nazy A. Sarkees; Bilal I. Mohammed
Volume 23, Issue 3 , September 2023, , Pages 22-31
From the field of Khabat Technical Institute- Erbil Polytechnic University the research was conducted in the summer season of 2021. It shows peanut yield and oil response to application methods and zinc concentration. A factorial experimental design was applied in a randomized complete block design (RBCD) ...
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From the field of Khabat Technical Institute- Erbil Polytechnic University the research was conducted in the summer season of 2021. It shows peanut yield and oil response to application methods and zinc concentration. A factorial experimental design was applied in a randomized complete block design (RBCD) with replications; the first factor represents seed treatment by four concentrations of Zinc (0, 1, 2 and 3 g Zn kg seed-1) and second factor was a foliar spray application by four concentrations of Zinc (0, 2000, 4000 and 6000 Zn mg liter-1). The combined effect of seed treatment by 1 g Zn kg seed-1 and 2000 mg liter-1 of zinc foliar spray application, produced the highest value of a number of pod plant-1, pod and seed yield (kg ha-1), oil and protein yield (kg ha-1), but the seed treatment by 2 g Zn kg seed-1 and 4000 mg liter-1 of zinc foliar application surpassed in weight of 100 pod (g), weight of 100 seed, oil and protein percentage while 1 g Zn kg seed-1 and 4000 mg liter-1 of zinc obtained the heights branches of plant-1. The interaction between seed treatment 1 g Zn kg seed-1 with 2000 mg liter-1 of zinc foliar application recorded the highest number of pod plant-1, seed yield (kg ha-1), oil percentage, oil and protein yield (kg ha-1). The interaction treatment 2 g Zn kg seed-1 with 4000 mg liter-1 of zinc recorded the highest value in weight of 100 pods (g), weight of 100 seed, pods yield (kg ha-1) and protein percentage
Hussein Janabi; Majed Ali
Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, , Pages 168-178
The study aimed to determine the knowledge level of grape growers with the most important tree service operations and the outcome in Ishaqi sub-district | Salah al-Din governorate in general, and to determine the correlation between the knowledge level of grape growers and some independent variables, ...
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The study aimed to determine the knowledge level of grape growers with the most important tree service operations and the outcome in Ishaqi sub-district | Salah al-Din governorate in general, and to determine the correlation between the knowledge level of grape growers and some independent variables, the Ishaqi district was chosen as an area to conduct the research in which grape cultivation is spread in (5) agricultural districts for conducting the current research, the research community included all (995) grape growers in Ishaqi district, a random sample of (20%) was selected from them. The number of farmers who represent a sample, the research (199) farmers, a questionnaire included two parts: the first included the independent variables, and second: included (87) representing measuring the knowledge level distributed over nine areas to measure the knowledge level of grape growers with the most important crop service operations.. The initial test was conducted on the initial test sample of 30 farmers from the research community and from outside the research sample for the purpose of calculating stability using the cronbach,s Alpha Where the value was 0.88, and the validity coefficient was 0.93, the results of the research showed that the general level of grape growers with the most important tree service operations, and the result in Ishaqi district | Salah al-Din governorate average tends to decline, and the results of the research showed that there is a significant correlation between the level of knowledge of grape growers and of The exploited variables (age, educational level, training courses, contact with information sources),. The researcher recommended the need to provide grape growers with information and scientific expertise and applied, and scientific recommendations on the cultivation and service of grape trees through the intensification of field visits and agricultural extension activities such as extension seminars, extension publications.
Jwan Gharib Rafaat
Volume 22, Issue 4 , December 2022, , Pages 106-115
Four phosphorus fertilizer rates (0, 30, 60, and 90 kg ha-1) were evaluated for the nine common vetches (Vicia sativa) varieties ,Clima, Hanka, Mikaela, Lujiliana, Marrianum, Mery, Beybi, Nigra, and Namoi. Experiments was conducted during the winter season of 2019-2020 in the Sulaimani governorate at ...
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Four phosphorus fertilizer rates (0, 30, 60, and 90 kg ha-1) were evaluated for the nine common vetches (Vicia sativa) varieties ,Clima, Hanka, Mikaela, Lujiliana, Marrianum, Mery, Beybi, Nigra, and Namoi. Experiments was conducted during the winter season of 2019-2020 in the Sulaimani governorate at Qlyasan locations. The experiment was designed in Factorial and conducted in CRBD (Randomized Complete Block Design) with three replications. Means comparison was carried out by the least significant difference (LSD) at a significant level of 5%.Control treatment (no fertilizer application) results in the best value for the plant height, number of leaves plant-1, and leaf stem ratio with 90.106 cm, 104.156, and 0.810, respectively.The application of 30 kg ha-1for the character 100 seed weight recorded a maximum value of 19.064.While the variety number 4 produced the best values 130.083 for the characters number of leaves plant-1, 4.659 for the characters number of branches plant-1, 93.781 for the characters Days to 50% flowering .However variety number 5 gave the maximum value for the characters dry leaf weight and dry stem weight 3.093(g) and 5.08(g) respectively.Variety number 4 recorded a maximum value for the characters Seed yield reached 6840.425(kg ha-1).The character Dry stem weight (g) showed the highest value with 7.407for variety number 5 by Control treatment (no fertilizer application),followed by variety number 6 with values of 2.031 for the character leaf stem ratio. The application of 30 kg ha-1for the character days to 50% flowering recorded a maximum value of 94.953 days by variety number 6.in which the interactions between variety number 7 and the application of 60 kg ha-1 a maximum value for the character no. of branches plant-1 followed by variety number 2 with values 149.443 for the character days to maturaity . The phosphorus fertilizer application of 90 kg ha-1 showed the maximum number of pod plant-1with 22.073 by variety number 7.The phosphorus fertilizer application of 90 kg ha-1 showed the maximum value for the character no.of Pods plant-1by variety number 7.The character seed yield with 7774.053 kg ha-1 recorded by variety number 6 under the phosphorus fertilizer application of 30 kg ha-1.
Dler Mahmood Abdallah; Hemin A. Neima; Rebwar Ahmed Mustafa
Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, , Pages 148-157
This experiment was conducted aiming to introduce and select the suitable winter chickpea to Sulaymaniyah governorate climatic conditions. This study was laid out in RCBD design with eight different varieties (namely, FLIP 97-706C, FLIP 03-87C, FLIP 05-74C, FLIP 05-87C, FLIP 05-110C, FLIP 05-142C, FLIP ...
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This experiment was conducted aiming to introduce and select the suitable winter chickpea to Sulaymaniyah governorate climatic conditions. This study was laid out in RCBD design with eight different varieties (namely, FLIP 97-706C, FLIP 03-87C, FLIP 05-74C, FLIP 05-87C, FLIP 05-110C, FLIP 05-142C, FLIP 05-150C, and local Flip1 varieties), each with three replicates. The results indicated that the FLIP 97-706C variety had the highest yield (3531±2.1 kg ha-1), protein yield (390±0.05 kg ha-1), and weight of 100 seeds (39.0±0.05 g), significantly. Additionally, other introduced varieties also gave noticeably higher yields in comparison to the average global chickpea yield. The suggested varieties can have an important role in increasing and improving chickpea production and quality, especially, the FLIP 97-706C can be among the promising varieties with its large seeds, tall habit, and high yield for this area.
Shara J. Hama
Volume 21, Issue 2 , March 2021, , Pages 99-111
This experiment was conducted during the winter season of 2016-2017 at the Qlyasan Agricultural Research Station, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Sulaimani, using split plot design the main plots conducted in (RCBD) with three replicates to study the effect of three levels ...
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This experiment was conducted during the winter season of 2016-2017 at the Qlyasan Agricultural Research Station, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Sulaimani, using split plot design the main plots conducted in (RCBD) with three replicates to study the effect of three levels of NPK fertilizer on the growth, yield and yield component of rapeseed varieties. The three varieties; Serw, Hybrid and Reandy were implemented in the sub plots, three NPK fertilizer levels (0, 150 and 300) kg NPK ha-1 from NPK fertilizer complex (15-15-15), were implemented in the main plot. Results of this investigation confirm that variety Reandy produced the best values for most characters, and application of 300Kg NPK ha-1 was found to be the best level for this crop. The character seed yield showed positive and highly significant correlation with most characters including plant height, number of leaves per plant, number of pods per plant, the weight of pod per plant, 1000-seed weight, dry matter weight per plant, LA, and biological yield. Maximum positive direct effect on seed yield recorded by weight of pod per plant which was 0.495, while Maximum positive indirect effect on seed yield was 0.483 recorded by weight of pod per plant via number of pods per plant.
Ghassan J. Z.; Ammar H. Saied; Harith B. Abdul Alrahman
Volume 21, Issue 1 , March 2021, , Pages 36-47
A comparative agronomical experiment was conducted at research station/ Department of Horticulture and Landscape/ College of Agriculture/ Tikrit University, to study the effect of two different soil textures (loam and silt loam) on growth and yield of six varieties of okra. The two soil textures ...
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A comparative agronomical experiment was conducted at research station/ Department of Horticulture and Landscape/ College of Agriculture/ Tikrit University, to study the effect of two different soil textures (loam and silt loam) on growth and yield of six varieties of okra. The two soil textures were analyzed for pH, nitrogen, organic matter, phosphorous, Ca, K, Mg etc. at the Central Laboratory of Soil Science and Water Resource Department, College of Agriculture, Tikrit University. Six okra varieties of okra were used in this experiment (i. e., Clamson, Hussainawia, Sultani, Btra, Clemson and Clemson spinless). The experiment was carried out with a Randomized Complete Block Design with Split plot arrangement with four replicates. Data were recorded for plant height, stem diameter, branches number on main stem, total number of branches, pod length, pod diameter, pod weight, pods number, yield per plant and percentage of dry matter in pod. Results indicated that plant height, branches number on main stem, pod weight, pod number and yield per plant produced in Loam soil were significantly higher (P ≤ 0.05) than those produced in Silt loam soil. Irrespective of soil texture, the stem diameter, branches number on main stem and total branches produced in Btra variety, whereas, pod diameter, pod weight, pod number and pod yield per plant produced in Hussainawia variety were significantly higher (P ≤ 0.05) than those produced in other varieties. But, pod length did not differ significantly (P ≤ 0.05) between six varieties. It can be concluded from the present findings that Btra and Hussainawia cultivars may be produced in different soil..
Mohammed Hussain; Hajer Askandar; Abbas Khether; Rezgar Saaed
Volume 19, Issue 4 , December 2019, , Pages 76-82
This experiment was conducted at farm of field crops department, collage of agriculture, Duhok University in spring 2018 to construct selection index. The results showed that all selection indices include the yield gave relative efficiency equal to those when used the yield only, the increase in efficiency ...
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This experiment was conducted at farm of field crops department, collage of agriculture, Duhok University in spring 2018 to construct selection index. The results showed that all selection indices include the yield gave relative efficiency equal to those when used the yield only, the increase in efficiency was very low and not important, selection index was a few relative efficiency as a compered with efficiency index which include the yield, therefore, the best selection index was depend on the yield only to select the better indices and some variance components to twenty maize genotypes according to Randomize Complete Block Design with three replication, also the result exhibited that the GCVwas medium for all characters except grain yield while, the PCV was high for grain yield, ear height and 300 grain weight and medium for the rest characters. The GAM gave high values for grain yield, plant and ear height and leaf area, the value range between 22-40 while the others characters showed medium values. On other hand the results showed high heritability broad sense ranged from %80 to %99 for all characters except 300- grain weight.
Akeel Almohammedi; Mohanaed Alsammarri
Volume 19, Issue 1 , March 2019, , Pages 40-45
This study was carried out at a private farm in city Samarra in Qalaa for the 2016 summer season. This experiment included on factors is basil. Different concentrations of amino acid and vitamins and their interaction Amino acid included different concentrations of amino acid aspartic acid ...
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This study was carried out at a private farm in city Samarra in Qalaa for the 2016 summer season. This experiment included on factors is basil. Different concentrations of amino acid and vitamins and their interaction Amino acid included different concentrations of amino acid aspartic acid and amino acid phenylalanine ethylene the vitamins also included different concentrations of ascorbic acid and vitamins thiamine The experiment was conducted to determine the effect of spraying on different concentrations of amino acid and vitamins in the characteristics of vegetative growth ,physiological characteristics the ratio of the pilot oil , its physical properties and the active substance. The experiment was applied using full Random Sector Design (R.C.B.D) (Complete Black Design Randomized) within the simple trials of three replication the effect of spraying amino acid and vitamins can have a significant effect on most of the studied traits as follows: The treatment (spartic acid 150ppm x ascorbic acid 50 mg.L) was given in most studied traits , giving the number of date flowers (69.5) and number of seeds in the broiler (195.47) and weight 1000 seeds (1.72) and the origin of the leafs (1122.3) and total seed yield (2764.33).