Evaluation of Forage Crops Production and Quality of Two Different Rangelands in Sulaimani Governorate

Tara Mohammed;; Jwan Rafaat

Volume 20, Issue 2 , December 2020, , Pages 35-46

  This study was conducted during 2015 in Sulaimani governorate at two main different locations of Sharbazher, Dukan, each one with some sub-locations, the sub- location of sharbazher that contains (Qalachwlan, Bnawela, Kana-Swra, Byana, Bazarw and Kane-Bewka) . The sub- location of Dukan that contains ...  Read More

The Impact of Seeding Rate and Locations on Some Grass Pea (Lathyrus sativus) Lines for Growth, Forage and Seed Yield in Sulaimani Region

Avan Abdullah; Jwan Rafaat

Volume 20, Issue 1 , March 2020, , Pages 20-37

  This study was carried out at two locations in Sulaimani governorate, Qlyasan and Kanipanka, during the winter season of 2017-2018 to evaluate the response of four lines of Grass pea Lathyrus sativus (IF 003, IF 133, IF 102, IF 067) lines and four seeding rates (80kg/h, 100kg/h, 120kg/h, 140kg/h). The ...  Read More