Tara Mohammed;; Jwan Rafaat
Volume 20, Issue 2 , December 2020, , Pages 35-46
This study was conducted during 2015 in Sulaimani governorate at two main different locations of Sharbazher, Dukan, each one with some sub-locations, the sub- location of sharbazher that contains (Qalachwlan, Bnawela, Kana-Swra, Byana, Bazarw and Kane-Bewka) . The sub- location of Dukan that contains ...
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This study was conducted during 2015 in Sulaimani governorate at two main different locations of Sharbazher, Dukan, each one with some sub-locations, the sub- location of sharbazher that contains (Qalachwlan, Bnawela, Kana-Swra, Byana, Bazarw and Kane-Bewka) . The sub- location of Dukan that contains (Mergapan, Kwera-Kane, Hanaran, Qzlar and Kilka-Smaq) to estimate fresh yield, dry yield, dry matter and animal unit. The rangeland areas of Sulaimani governorate located between 350 10' – 360 27' N and 440 40' – 460 22' E were restricted, 250017 and658801 ha for Sharbazher and Dukan locations respectively. The most important results indicated that, it was noticed that the sub-location of Qalachwalan at sharbazher location gave the maximum values of plant height, stem dry weight, leaf dry weight and Leaf Stem ratio for both legumes and grasses with 27.22, 52.9 cm, 5.28% and1.80% as the means of nine replicates respectively. However, the sub-location of Mergapan at Dwkan location gave the maximum values of plant height with 40.43, 69.00cm for both legumes and grasses respectively.Dukan location gave the maximum value of total dry yield 970431.60 ton and 2940701.80 Animal unit/three months, while Sharbazher location which gave the minimum value total dry yield of 17216.20 ton and 52170.30 animal unit/3 months as the means of four replicates respectively. The highest fresh yield, dry yield and animal unit obtained Dukan, location which 13348.27 and 2554.85 kg/ha 2940701.80 animal unit respectively .Results of chemical analysis for the grass and legume plants showed that there were differences between locations. Dukan location gave the maximum percentage of protein content, Carbohydrate, fiber, and magnesium which were (8.75, 17.80 ,19.50 , and 0.74 %) respectively, for legume plants .However, chemical contents for grass plant showed that Sharbazher location gave the maximum percentage of carbohydrate, fiber, oil , phosphorous and ash contents which were (22.28 , 23.50 , 1.22 , 1.33 and 11.01 %), respectively.
Avan Abdullah; Jwan Rafaat
Volume 20, Issue 1 , March 2020, , Pages 20-37
This study was carried out at two locations in Sulaimani governorate, Qlyasan and Kanipanka, during the winter season of 2017-2018 to evaluate the response of four lines of Grass pea Lathyrus sativus (IF 003, IF 133, IF 102, IF 067) lines and four seeding rates (80kg/h, 100kg/h, 120kg/h, 140kg/h). The ...
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This study was carried out at two locations in Sulaimani governorate, Qlyasan and Kanipanka, during the winter season of 2017-2018 to evaluate the response of four lines of Grass pea Lathyrus sativus (IF 003, IF 133, IF 102, IF 067) lines and four seeding rates (80kg/h, 100kg/h, 120kg/h, 140kg/h). The experiment was conducted at (December 5th /2018) in Kanipanka and (December 6th /2018) at Qlyasan. The design of factorial experiment RCBD with three replications was conducted. Means comparison was carried out by the least significant difference (L.S.D) at a significant level of 5%. The results confirmed that the grass pea lines, as the average of both locations there were highly significant differences among lines due to plant height, days to %50 flowering, leaf dry weight, and number of bacterial nodules/plant, but significant differences were observed for the character stem dry weight... It was noticed that the effect of locations on growth and forage characters for grass pea was highly significant for the days to maturity, leaf dry weight, stem dry weight, leaf stem ratio and number of bacterial nodules/plant, while it was significant for the character plant height. It was indicated that the second location recorded the highest value for plant height, leaf dry weight, stem dry weight, leaf stem ratio and number of bacterial nodules/plant with 60.080cm, 1.970g, 1.850g, 2.600 and 16.390 respectively. At the average of both locations there were differences highly significant among lines due to days to maturity, leaf dry weight, stem dry weight, leaf stem ratio and number of bacterial nodules/plant. Line number IF067 produced the highest value for days to maturity and stem dry weight and number of bacterial nodules/plant with 155.6 days, 4.990 g and 14.27 respectively. The effect of seeding rate on seed yield and it is components for grass pea at the average of both locations and there was highly significant for the number of pod/plant, seed yield, biological yield, and harvest index significant for 100 seed weight. As the average of both locations using 140 kg/h seeds produced maximum values for the most characters.