Role of Rural Women in Production and Marketing of Agricultural product in Khormal Sub-District- Halabja Governorate

Kazhan Jamal Hassan; Mohammed Omer Sakina; Bekhal Qasim Mohammed; Chawan Mohammed Salih

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, , Pages 223-234

         The aim of this study was to determine the role of rural women in production and marketing of agricultural products in Zalm village, and identify the differences in production and marketing of agricultural products of rural women’s role according to some variables ...  Read More

Attitudes of Rural Women Towards Working in Small Agricultural Prpojects in Bashiqa Sub-District / Nineveh Governorate/ Iraq

Hafsa Fatah Hade

Volume 22, Issue 1 , March 2022, , Pages 17-26

  The research aimed to identify the attitudes of rural women towards working in small agricultural projects in Bashiqa sub-district/Nineveh governorate in general. Also, to identify the correlation between the attitudes of rural women and each of the following independent variables: (age, marital status, ...  Read More