Estimation the Cost function in long-run derived from the Cobb Douglas production function and estimating the resources demand function and the output supply function for Calves fattening projects in Baghdad Governorate

Nahidh Naji Issa; Hassan Thamer Zanzal

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, , Pages 20-28

  Despite the seriousness individual attempts made by some breeders to develop and improve methods of breeding and fattening to reduce costs, but most breeders follow the traditional methods of breeding and fattening their livestock, and this is what prompted me to do this study, A questionnaire for a ...  Read More

Estimation of the supply function of corn crop in Iraq for the period (1990-2019)

Nasaif jasim Mohammad

Volume 21, Issue 4 , December 2021, , Pages 91-101

  The corn crop is one of the main crops in Iraq and is of great importance in terms of food and industry, as it is used in the manufacture of corn flakes, starch, oil, etc., and is used as animal feed. The research aimed to estimate the supply function of the maize crop in Iraq for the period (1990 - ...  Read More