Taha Hasheem Khayoon; Fawziah Ali Abdullah; Rabia Jaddoa Abbas
Volume 24, Issue 4 , December 2024, , Pages 120-131
The study investigated the impact of postbiotics generated from Lactobacillus acidophilus (Lap) and Lactiplantibacillus plantarum (Lpp) on the productive performance, egg quality, and serum biochemical parameters of laying hens. At 40 weeks of age, 126 Lohmann hens were randomly assigned to seven treatments ...
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The study investigated the impact of postbiotics generated from Lactobacillus acidophilus (Lap) and Lactiplantibacillus plantarum (Lpp) on the productive performance, egg quality, and serum biochemical parameters of laying hens. At 40 weeks of age, 126 Lohmann hens were randomly assigned to seven treatments with three replications of six birds each. The basal diet (T1) was administered without supplements (negative control) or supplemented with tetracycline (T2) at 0.02% (positive control). The other five groups: T3, T4 (basal diet supplemented with postbiotics (Lap) 0.35%, and (Lap) 0.70% produced from Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria respectively); T5, T6 (basal diet supplemented with postbiotics (Lpp) 0.35%, and (Lpp) 0.70% produced from Lactiplantibacillus plantarum bacteria respectively); T7 (basal diet supplemented with postbiotics (0.35% Lap + 0.35% Lpp). Postbiotics and tetracycline (TET) did not affect (P≥0.05) in body weight, feed intake, feed conversion ratio (FCR), egg weight, egg mass, egg quality or serum total protein, albumin and globulin. Egg production and egg number were greater (P≤0.05) in the postbiotics (Lap 0.70%, Lpp 0.70%, and mixture (0.35% Lap + 0.35% Lpp), and TET supplemental group as compared to the control (T1). While cholesterol and triglycerides (except 0.35% Lap, 0.35% Lpp), were decreased significantly (P≤0.05) than T1. Superoxide dismutase and catalase activity (except 0.35% Lap, 0.35% Lpp) improved as compared to T1. The results indicate that the supplementation of postbiotics has a positive effect on laying hens performance and some biochemical parameters.
Measer Ahmed
Volume 24, Issue 3 , September 2024, , Pages 74-84
This study aimed to elucidate the promising potential of silymarin in ameliorating the side effects associated with toxic pharmaceuticals. The study involved thirty female rats obtained, housed and maintained under requisite laboratory conditions in animal house unit in college of veterinary medicine, ...
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This study aimed to elucidate the promising potential of silymarin in ameliorating the side effects associated with toxic pharmaceuticals. The study involved thirty female rats obtained, housed and maintained under requisite laboratory conditions in animal house unit in college of veterinary medicine, University of Tikrit. Rats distributed into six groups five rats per group to investigate the effects of Cisplatin and silymarin on various biochemical markers over a 21-day period. The groups included a control group, two induction groups receiving Cisplatin 5mg/kg on first and last days, a silymarin group 150mg/kg orally per day, a therapeutic group included Cisplatin 5mg/kg i.p. and silymarin 150mg/kg, and a protective group treated silymarin 150mg/kg and Cisplatin 5mg/kg administration in last day. This experimental study aimed to evaluating the effect of cisplatin and silymarin administration for 21 days on some physiological and histological parameters in rats included Alanine transaminase ALT, Aspartate aminotransferase AST, Glutathione peroxidase GPx, Glutathione GSH, Superoxide dismutase SOD, Malondialdehyde MDA levels, and histological changes in liver tissue. Results demonstrated the adverse effect of cisplatin on ALT, AST, GPx, GSH, SOD levels and liver tissue also demonstrated the protective and therapeutic potential effect of silymarin against oxidative stress and hepatotoxicity induced by cisplatin due increase GPx, GSH, SOD and decrease MDA, AST levels, also enhanced liver tissue. From the results we conclude the potential protective and therapeutic role of silymarin against hepatotoxicity and oxidative stress induced by cisplatin.
Dastan Sdiq Ali; Dunia Salman Khalaf
Volume 23, Issue 4 , December 2023, , Pages 43-57
The aim of this research is to study the effect of herbs extracts (Mint, Dill, Tarragon and the combination of these herbs) supplementation on the chemical composition, antioxidant activities, rheological and sensory properties of local soft cheese (Paneeri Salik) during three weeks of storage. The addition ...
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The aim of this research is to study the effect of herbs extracts (Mint, Dill, Tarragon and the combination of these herbs) supplementation on the chemical composition, antioxidant activities, rheological and sensory properties of local soft cheese (Paneeri Salik) during three weeks of storage. The addition ratio of herb extract was 6.5 % v/w for each cheese treatment then compared with the control cheese treatment. Only the moisture percentage was significantly different at level (p<0.05) in the cheese treatments which contain herbs from the control treatment, the herbs cheese moisture decreased in three weeks whereas the other chemical properties (Fat, Protein, Carbohydrate, Ash and Acidity) were not significantly different . Mint, Dill, Tarragon and mix herbs supplementation increased scavenging of free radicals and enhanced the antioxidant properties of Salik cheese, the DPPH were (79.85, 94.88, 90.52, 97.33, 99.18)% in each of (Control, Mint, Dill, Tarragon, and mix herbs) respectively in the first week then were decreased to ( 87.10, 83.62, 87.51, 83.46)% in the (Mint, Dill, Tarragon, and Mix herbs) compared to control which became 98.81% in the third week of storage. The herbs affected the hardness of cheese, which increased by increasing the storage periods. Sensory evaluation was acceptable especially in mint cheese but a few decreases in flavor were detected in the cheeses treated with herbs mix and Tarragon after three weeks of storage.
Safaa M. Bilal; Ayad C. Khorsheed
Volume 23, Issue 3 , September 2023, , Pages 94-102
The current study was included the separation and identification of many volatile oil compounds from the seeds and peels of the fruit of Iraqi Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad Plant , by using Clevenger apparatus for light compounds and the results were confirmed by using GLC technique The volatile ...
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The current study was included the separation and identification of many volatile oil compounds from the seeds and peels of the fruit of Iraqi Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad Plant , by using Clevenger apparatus for light compounds and the results were confirmed by using GLC technique The volatile compounds were identified which included the following : (α-pinene, Limonene, Camphene, Carvacrol, Camphor, P-cymene, Terpinene, Linalool, Menthol, Sabinen and phellanodrene), Terpinene was the highest compound concentration in the seeds and peels (12.14,16.58)% respectively , whereas the lowest concentration in the seeds and peels was Menthol (0.08,0.14) % respectively. The study was also included studying the antioxidant effect of volatile oil separated from the seeds and peels at different concetrations and compared them with the ascorbic acid as a control sample, it was observed that the separated volatile oils from the peels were significantly superior of the free radical inhibition of DPPH (76.1,76.8) % at a concentration (300, 400) Mg.ml–1 respectively compared to the separated volatile oils from seeds
Safaa Bilal; Ayad Khorsheed
Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, , Pages 235-245
A current study was included the separation and diagnosis of a number of volatile oils components from the seeds and the peels of a fruit from the Iraqi Citrullus colocynthis ( L. ) Schrad Plant , by using Clevenger apparatus for light compounds and the results were confirmed ...
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A current study was included the separation and diagnosis of a number of volatile oils components from the seeds and the peels of a fruit from the Iraqi Citrullus colocynthis ( L. ) Schrad Plant , by using Clevenger apparatus for light compounds and the results were confirmed by using GLC technique .The volatile compounds were identified which included the following : (α-pinene, Limonene, Camphene, Carvacrol, Camphor, Pcymene, Terpinene, Linalool, Menthol, Sabinen and phellanodrene). Terpinene was the highest compound concentration in the seeds and peels %(12.14,16.58) respectively , whereas the lowest concentration in the seeds and peels was Menthol (0.08,0.14) % respectively. The study was also included studying the antioxidant effect of volatile oil separated from the seeds and peels at different concentrations and compared them with the ascorbic acid as a control sample, it was observed that the separated volatile oils from the peels were significantly superior of the free radical inhibition of DPPH (76.1,76.8) % at a concentration (300, 400) Mg.ml–1 respectively compared to the separated volatile oils from seeds.
Zana H. Alzangana; Ahmed T. Taha
Volume 21, Issue 3 , September 2021, , Pages 90-97
Plant polyphenols, particularly flavonoids, are of graet intrigued due to their wide run of natural activities. Quercetin, an omnipresent flavonoid, is known to have antioxidant and antibacterial impacts. The aim of this experiment is to know the effect of adding different levels of quercetin on some ...
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Plant polyphenols, particularly flavonoids, are of graet intrigued due to their wide run of natural activities. Quercetin, an omnipresent flavonoid, is known to have antioxidant and antibacterial impacts. The aim of this experiment is to know the effect of adding different levels of quercetin on some productive and physiological Traits of normal and oxidative stress quail birds. In the study, (108) females quail at the (45 days)of age, randomly distributed into six treatments, with three replications per each and reared for (42 days). The experiment treatments, as follows: The first treatment (T1): control group and the second treatment (T2): the birds fed a standard diet and drinking water with hydrogen peroxide (0.01% H2O2 ), the third(T3) and fourth(T4) treatments :The birds fed a standard diet with (400 and 600 mg of Quercetin / kg feed) respectively, normal drinking water. About the fifth (T5) and six (T6) treatments,the birds consumed same as T3 and T4 diet except for supplemented drinking water with (0.01% H2O2).The results indicated that the addition of quercetin to diets of quail birds led to:Significant improvement in the production Traits of natural and stressful quails by increasing egg production rate. Significant improvement of some biochemical indicators in the blood serum of natural and stressful quails birds, such as Estrogen, cholesterol, total protein, globulin, Calcium, AST, ALT, Malondialdehyde enzyme and glutathione concentration. While it did not affect glucose and albumin concentration. In conclusion, our study present that quercetin has huge effect on production and physiological indicators in females quail.
Omar Tabour; Ahmed Taha
Volume 19, Issue 3 , September 2019
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of adding different levels of melatonin in some of semen Characteristics and antioxidant status in male broiler breeder Ross308, from16/11/2017 to 30/1/2018.Atotal of 25 bird of Ross 308 broiler breeder males ,30 weeks' ...
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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of adding different levels of melatonin in some of semen Characteristics and antioxidant status in male broiler breeder Ross308, from16/11/2017 to 30/1/2018.Atotal of 25 bird of Ross 308 broiler breeder males ,30 weeks' old were used in this study. The birds were randomly distributed into five group with five replicates each. Each treatment group constituted of 5 birds (1bird each replicate). the broiler breeder males administrated orally with capsules contain melatonin. Treatment groups were as following: T1: Birds fed the basal diet without any addition (control),T2: Birds fed diet supplemented with 15mg/kg of diet,T3: Birds fed diet supplemented with 30 mg/kg of diet,T4: Birds fed diet supplemented with 40 mg/kg of diet and T5: Birds fed diet supplemented with 60 mg/kg of diet. The result of the study revealed a significant decrease in the ejaculated volume, sperm's mass and individual motility and sperm concentration, With a significant increase in dead and abnormal sperm ratio. However, administration with melatonin at (60) mg/kg diet resulted in significant increase (p<0.05) in glucose and total protein concentration of seminal plasma. Also adding melatonin with (15) mg/kg diet had significant improved in the antioxidant status.
Kadhm Muhammad
Volume 19, Issue 1 , March 2019, , Pages 93-102
To study the bioactive substances of the H. scabrum, ethanolic and aqueous extracts of leaves and flowers were analyzed for their phytochemical contents and antioxidant actings. The antioxidant potiential was estimated using four methods, including DPPH radical, ABTS decolorization assay, reducing power ...
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To study the bioactive substances of the H. scabrum, ethanolic and aqueous extracts of leaves and flowers were analyzed for their phytochemical contents and antioxidant actings. The antioxidant potiential was estimated using four methods, including DPPH radical, ABTS decolorization assay, reducing power and total antioxidant capacity. The results exhibited that the ethanolic flower contain higher amounts of total flavonoids (4.675 mg. g-1) and saponin (29.572 mg.g -1) contents, whereas, the water flower extract hold less amount of total flavonoids compounds (1.223 mg. g-1). Similarly, our results exposed that the antioxidant activities detected by DPPH and ABTS methods of the ethanolic extract of flower, were evidently better than the rest of extracts. Significant high relationship were noticed between total phenolic amount and total antioxidant activity, and between total flavonoid content and DPPH inhibition assay. Principal component analysis reveals 91.49 of total variance which indicates that the different extracts were well distinguished by their phytochemical substance contents and antioxidant effects.
Mahbuba Mustafa; Ahmed Abduljabbar
Volume 19, Issue 1 , March 2019, , Pages 103-110
This study was conducted to investigate the potential of onion and garlic oils and their mixture supplementation under heat stress on the egg production, egg weight, total lipid concentration and antioxidant activity of local quail hens. Sixty birds at 42 weeks' age were evenly divided randomly ...
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This study was conducted to investigate the potential of onion and garlic oils and their mixture supplementation under heat stress on the egg production, egg weight, total lipid concentration and antioxidant activity of local quail hens. Sixty birds at 42 weeks' age were evenly divided randomly into 4 treatments: feed in control (T0) free of onion and garlic oil, T1 and T2 were supplemented 0.2% in each onion or garlic oil, T3 was supplemented mixture of (0.1% onion + 0.1% garlic oil) respectively. The birds reared in temperature-controlled room (35-38°C) at afternoon. The results of enzymatically analysis of catalase, superoxide dismutase, Glutathion-Px activity concentrations, egg production percentage, egg weight and egg mass had significantly higher (P≤0.05) in the most treatments of onion and garlic oils and their mixture supplemented diet. While, significantly lower (P≤0.05) in total cholesterol, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and Malondialdehyde (MDA) in onion and garlic oils and their mixture supplemented diet compared with control of blood serum, liver tissue and egg yolk of quail hens under heat stress.