Role of Dried Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum-graecum L.) Leaves as Antioxidant and Antimicrobial in Quality Preservation in Burgers Made of Mutton and Beef Cattle Meat During Refrigerator Storage

Bestoon Ahmad; Shawnm Saleh

Volume 19, Issue 2 , June 2019, Pages 1-7

  The effect of different levels of crud fenugreek leaves on lipid oxidation and microbial spoilage of mutton and beef cattle meat postmortem refrigerated storage was examined. Samples meat of mutton and beef cattle were incorporated with crud fenugreek leaves at four different levels 0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 ...  Read More

Impact of Using Aldanfeeli Valley Water on the Pollution of Soils with Heavy Metals

Naif Ahmed

Volume 19, Issue 2 , June 2019, Pages 8-18

  The current study included collecting samples of water and soil from three main agricultural sites on Aldanfeeli Valley in Mosul city (North Iraq), where soil samples included two from each location, one for agricultural soil watered with untreated Valley water, and the second sample was from the adjacent ...  Read More

Effect of Magnesium and Foliar Spray of Gibberellic and Salicylic Acids on Vegetative Growth Characteristics of Peach (Prunus persica L.) Saplings CV. Miski

Ehsan Al-Douri; Ahmed Hasan

Volume 19, Issue 2 , June 2019, Pages 19-30

  This study was conducted in the lath house of the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Design/ College of Agriculture/ Tikrit University during the growing season of 2017 to investigate the effect of magnesium application and the foliar spraying of both gibberellic and salicylic acids on the vegetative ...  Read More

Nutrients Effect on Tomato's (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) Hybrids grown in Unheated Plastic House

Harith Rahaman; Amar Saeed; Mohanad Al-hamad

Volume 19, Issue 2 , June 2019, Pages 31-39

  This experiment was conducted during autumn growing season of 2016-2017 under unheated greenhouse environment at the field station of college of Agriculture-University of Tikrit to study the effect of seaweed, and organic extracts spraying on growth and yield of tomato's (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) ...  Read More

The Effective Dose Equivalent for potassium K40 in Cow's Milk of Salah-Din Governorate/ Iraq

Mahdi Hamad; Yasir Mohammad

Volume 19, Issue 2 , June 2019, Pages 40-44

  Radioactivity was measured for 170 cow's milk samples in Salah-Din governorate. Samples were measured by a gamma spectrometry system, using a high purity germanium (HPGe) detector. The detector was shielded by 10 cm all sides with cadmium copper in the inner sides. The selected characteristic gamma peaks ...  Read More

Study of Physico - Chemical and Nutritional Properties of Some Processed Pickles

Amal Al-Azzawi; Bayan Al-Abdullah

Volume 19, Issue 2 , June 2019, Pages 45-54

  This study was conducted in the laboratories of the Department of Food Science/College of Agriculture, University of Tikrit for the period 2016/10/1 to 2017/10/1. Results of chemical composition of processed pickles. They included(E:Sour cucumber pickle, F: Carrot pickle with spices herps (slow method),G:Cucumber ...  Read More

Effect of Yoghurt Starter Culture and Pasteurization on Some Pathogenic Microorganisms in Domestic Soft Cheese

Hussam Mohamed; Rafid Abdul Razzaq; Mohammed Jassim

Volume 19, Issue 2 , June 2019, Pages 55-65

  The study was conducted to detect the contamination of some dairy products (cheese, butter, yukurt, cream, milk) in the local markets of Tikrit city. The results detected of micro-pollutantion in dairy products revealed to presence of aerobic bacteria in milk samples and in numbers reached. (3.1 × 101 ...  Read More

Characterization of Pectin Methylesterase from Aspergillus niger

Oday Al-Jammaas; Salih Sultan; Waleed Mahmood

Volume 19, Issue 2 , June 2019, Pages 66-74

  The present study was undertaken to evaluate the characteristics of pectin methylesterase produced from Aspergillus niger. The enzyme had a molecular weight of 59.668 kDa. The enzyme exhibited maximum activity at 45°C. The enzyme lost most of its initial activity after 20 min of incubation at 75°C. ...  Read More

Optimization for Extraction Proteins from Pulp of Watermelon Seed

Sara Faiad; Ethar Naji; Jadooa Hajeej

Volume 19, Issue 2 , June 2019, Pages 75-83

  The study was carried out in the laboratories of the Faculty of Agriculture / University of Tikrit to the period 2017/11/7 - 1/5/2018. The study of watermelon seed pulp the local variety, to obtain protein isolates of the graft after removal of fat. The results showed chemical composition of the imported ...  Read More

The Study of Antibacterial Effects of Combining Some Medicinal Plants with Certain Antibiotics Against the Multidrug-Resistant E. coli.

Wi'aam Jwair; Ausama Najris

Volume 19, Issue 2 , June 2019, Pages 84-92

  As resistant microorganisms are causing a serious global problem, medicinal plants had begun to draw scientists' attention to use them as alternative medicines or in case of this research; to be combined with antibiotics to find a solution against one of these resistant microorganisms. This research ...  Read More

Effect of Cutting Stages and Sowing Dates on Forage Yield and Quality of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.)

Salam Asal

Volume 19, Issue 2 , June 2019, Pages 93-99

  A field experiment was carried out at the city center of Ramadi during spring 2017 in field fallow one of farmer , to study the effect of cutting stage and sowing dates on forage yield and quality of sorghum . The experiment was using R.C.B.D with three replications in a split plot arrangement sowing ...  Read More

Test of Pathogenicity of Bacillus thuringensis (Berliner) in Biological Control for the Cotton Leaf Worm, Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.)

Sahil AL- Jamil; Ibrahim Hassan

Volume 19, Issue 2 , June 2019, Pages 100-105

  The study was carried out to evaluate the pathogenicity of the bacteria, Bacillus thuringensis of the cotton leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd) at the rate of 1x106 spores/ml Laboratory results revealed that egg hatching percentage, at the age of 1-2 days were 0.0, 0.0 and 8.2 % 2 and 4 days after ...  Read More

Spatial Variation for Iron and Manganese Forms by Using Time Series Analysis Under Different Environments

Omar Zbar; Muthana Alrfaae

Volume 19, Issue 2 , June 2019, Pages 106-115

  Six regions in Anbar governorate were selected to study spatial variation of iron and manganese forms using time series analysis under different environments. Al-Baghdadi, Heet, Abu Teban, Ramadi, Khalidiya and Falluja were selected. two pedons was selected under two environments: desert and alluvial ...  Read More

Economic and Econometrics Analysis of the Most Important Constraints of the Production of Dates in the Province of Diyala for the Production Season 2018

Abbas Al-Tamimi

Volume 19, Issue 2 , June 2019, Pages 116-122

  The study examined the production function of a random sample of date palm farms in Diyala Governorate. The sample included (53) farms with (8374) fruitful palm trees from the study population of (22943) palm trees. The multiple regression of the elements of the function was analyzed. This included labor ...  Read More

The Level of Usage of Modern Technologies by The Tomato Farmers in Plastic Spending in The District of Samarra / Saladin Governorate

Ahmed Nasef; Majid Ali

Volume 19, Issue 2 , June 2019, Pages 123-131

  The research aims to determine the level of usage of modern agricultural techniques by the farmers of the tomato crop in the plastic spending in the district of Samarra / Saladin, and to find the differences between the level of the usage of agricultural techniques, was selected Samarra district to conduct ...  Read More