Effect of Using Ginger Roots (Zingiber officinale) on Milk Yield and Some of Its Components, Body Weight of Ewes and Lambs, in Awassi Sheep

Ammar M; Maher Al-Hafz

Volume 19, Issue 3 , September 2019, Pages 1-5

  The practical part of the study conducted in Animal Production Department / College of Agriculture and Forestry / Mosul University from 15 / 11 / 2013 to 1/ 4 / 2014 , to study the effect of adding the ginger roots in milk yield, some milk components and weights of ewes and their lambs in Awassi sheep, ...  Read More

Morphological Diagnosis for Some Eggs of Gastrointestinal Nematodes from Sheep

Omaima Mahmood; Sinai Muhsin; Mustafa Hussein

Volume 19, Issue 3 , September 2019, Pages 6-9

         The current research aimed to study the morphological aspects of eggs of nematodes that parasitic on Awasi sheep and make a comparison with the existing data in specialized references. The eggs were isolated and collected from the nematodes female from the gastrointestinal ...  Read More

Effect of Adding Different Levels from Melatonin in Some Characteristics Semen of Broiler Breeder Male Ross308

Omar Tabour; Ahmed Taha

Volume 19, Issue 3 , September 2019

       The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of adding different levels of melatonin in some of semen Characteristics and antioxidant status in male broiler breeder Ross308, from16/11/2017 to 30/1/2018.Atotal of 25 bird of Ross 308 broiler breeder males ,30 weeks' ...  Read More

Effect of Adding Grinded Flax Seed to The Diet on Productive Performance and Some Hematological Traits in Different Lines of Local Quails

Sheren Mohammad; Hurea Abdulrazaq; Jinan Abulrahman; Sardar Sardary

Volume 19, Issue 3 , September 2019, Pages 18-28

  This study was conducted to investigate the effect of a dietary supplementation with two levels of powdered flax seed and the impact of different quails' lines and the influence of diet × line on the productive performance, and some hematological traits. A total of 162 laying quail in three lines of ...  Read More

Prevalence of Liver Flukes in Some Areas of Salahalddin Province

Marwan Rasheed; Hala Ali; Ashraf Mahmood

Volume 19, Issue 3 , September 2019, Pages 29-34

  The present study aimed to diagnosis liver flukes in sheep in Tikrit and Balad districts and compare between prevalence of liver flukes that infect sheep through prevalence of infection and severity of infection. The present study included examination of 951 sheep of both sexes, and aged ranges between ...  Read More

Evaluation of Some Grass Pea Genotypes (Lathyrus sativus L.) for Forage, Seed Yield and Its Components Under Rainfed Conditions in Sulaimani Region

Shokhan Sleman; Sanarya Muhammed; Dastan Ahmad; Dana Abdulkhaleq

Volume 19, Issue 3 , September 2019, Pages 35-46

  A field experiment was conducted at the College of Agricultural Sciences Engineering/University of Sulaimani, during the winter season of 2016-2017 to study the evaluation of some grass pea genotypes for forage, seed yield and its components under rainfed conditions. A randomized complete block design ...  Read More

Heterosis of yield and its components of maize (Zea mays L.) using factorial mating design

Humam Arefae; Waill Jasim; Emad Al-qaisy

Volume 19, Issue 3 , September 2019, Pages 47-54

    In this study, ten pure maize strains were introduced in the hybridization program according to the factorial design mating system proposed by Comstock and Robinson (1948 and 1952) and were divided into two groups: a local adapted inbred lines and strain 839 and cv 890 used as parents, (ZM51L, ...  Read More

Effect of Ganoderma Fungi and Spirulina Alga in The Liver Tissue of Diabetic Mice Developed with Aloxane and Lead-Induced Anemia

Abeer Al-Samarraey; Feryal Hussein; Youssef Yasin

Volume 19, Issue 3 , September 2019, Pages 55-64

  The study was conducted on male mice (Albino mice), which ranged in age from (2-3) months and weights (25 - 30) g. The experiment was conducted in the General Company for the manufacture of medicines and medical supplies - Samarra. And for the period from the beginning of October 2017 to the end of March ...  Read More

Biological Control of Fire Blight Disease on Pear Caused by Erwinia amylovora in Erbil Province/Iraq

Aram Hussein; Ramadan Mohamed; Tahsein Amein

Volume 19, Issue 3 , September 2019, Pages 65-71

   Two bacterial strains, Pseudomonas fluorescens L18 and  Bacillus subtilis K3 and also five plant extracts Garlic (Allium sativum), Clove (Syzygium aromaticum), Black cumin (Nigella sativa), Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and Sour pomegranate (Punica granatum) were tested for their efficacy against ...  Read More

Food Preference of Termite (Microcerotermes diversus Silv.) for Forest Trees in Erbil Governorate

Tara Esmail; Hardy Shekhany; Faraidun Faraj; Shaheen Mustafa

Volume 19, Issue 3 , September 2019, Pages 72-79

  The current study investigated the sensitivity of different wood species to the termite, Microcerotermes diversus, in two different locations.  The results showed that both softwood and hardwood of White Willow, Salix alba; Melia, Melia azedarach; pine, Pinus brutia and Mediterranean Cypress, Cupressus ...  Read More

The Reality of the Production of the Main Cereal Crops in Iraq and Their Impact on Food Security for The Period (1995-2016)

Waleed Sultan; Bashar Mohammed; Muthana Rasheed; Yahyia Ali

Volume 19, Issue 3 , September 2019, Pages 80-90

  The research aims to study the reality of production and food security in Iraq for the most important strategic goods especially (wheat and rice), which are the subject of the study because the case of the food security became one of the most important interesting cases today under the food crisis, which ...  Read More

Comparison of The Change in Total Agricultural Productivity Between the Groups of Developing and Developed Countries Using the Malmquist Method for The Period (1990-2017)

Salem Al Nuaimi; Amina Al Elah; Aswan Zaidan

Volume 19, Issue 3 , September 2019, Pages 91-100

  The economic disparity between developed and developing countries, and the gap between them, which were and still represent the interest of specialists and change in total agricultural productivity (TFP) is one of the most important measures of comparison to find out this difference. Therefore, the research ...  Read More

Knowledge of Agricultural Extension Agents with Climate Changes Phenomenon, And Their Implementation Level for Extensional Activities Which Related with It in Ninavah Governorate

Talal Hameed

Volume 19, Issue 3 , September 2019, Pages 101-108

  objectives of this study were to: identify the knowledge of agricultural extension agents in climate changes phenomenon, Identify the relationship between the knowledge of agricultural extension agents and some factor, and Identify the implementation level of agricultural extension agents for extensional ...  Read More

The Assessment of Specific, Economic and Technical, Allocative Efficiency in Calfs Fatting Fields in Nineveh (Gogjali as a model) Using DEA Method

Alaa Abdullah; Ghadeer Ali

Volume 19, Issue 3 , September 2019, Pages 109-119

  Calf fattening fields in Nineveh and particularly in Gogjali village occupy a very significant position in providing the area of the beef meet for the whole community. The present study aims at investigating the technical efficiency utilizing Data Envelopment Analysis method. The study is conducted with ...  Read More

Application Level of Agricultural Environmental Practices for Vegetable Growers in Qaber- Alabid Village / Hammam Al-Aleel Area/ Ninevah Governorate

Zahraa Albusso

Volume 19, Issue 3 , September 2019, Pages 120-127

  The aim of this  study was to determining the application level of agricultural environmental practices for vegetable growers in Qaber Al- abed village/ Hammam AL- Aleel Area / Ninevah  governorate, for the agricultural environmental practices in general and arranging these agricultural environmental ...  Read More

Characterization and Classification of Some Soils Adjacent to the Southern of Al-Najaf Sea – Iraq

Ali Al-Bayati; Mustafa Al-Ani; Haidar Falah

Volume 19, Issue 3 , September 2019, Pages 128-145

  The study area was selected in the Najaf Governorate. It's adjacent to the southern part of Al- Najaf Sea and its area ​​(17150.5 ha), located between the longitudes 425594E and 445138E and between the Latitudes 3521842N and 3538169N (UTM), it's covered the soil types and its geomorphological units ...  Read More